Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Technical training work:




1.write a C program to print the numbers from n to 0 using for loop.

2.write a C program to print the numbers from n to 0 using while loop.

3.write a C program to print sum of numbers in the given range.

4.write a C program to print even numbers in the given range without using == operator.

5.write a C program to print odd numbers in the given range without using != operator.

6.write a C program to print mathematical table of any given number upto some range.

7.write a C program to print sum of digits in the given number.

8.write a C program to print all the even digits in the given number.

9.write a C program to print sum of the even digits in the given number.

10.write a C program to print difference between sum of even digits  and sum of odd digits in the given number.

 DBMS class materials click here to join the class room  click here  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC93Sqlk_tv9A9cFv-QjZFAQ