Wednesday, November 14, 2018

problem - 2

Crop Rotation
Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of dissimilar or different types of crops in the same area in sequenced seasons. It is done so that the soil of farms is not used for only one set of nutrients. It helps in reducing soil erosion and increases soil fertility and crop yield. 

In crop rotation technique, there are four strategies. Out of those, 
          1) Two field system 
          2) Three field system 
are popularly followed.       

Two Field System:
Under a two-field rotation, half the land was planted in a year, while the other half lay fallow. Then, in the next year, the two fields were reversed.

Three-field system: 
Dividing available lands into three parts. One section was planted in the autumn with rye or winter wheat, followed by spring oats or barley; the second section grew crops such as peas, lentils, or beans; and the third field was left fallow. The three fields were rotated in this manner so that every three years, a field would rest and be fallow. 

Write a program to find the productivity area for two field system and three field system. 

Input Format: 
Input is an integer that corresponds to the area of the farm. 

Output Format: 
The first line of the output is a float value that corresponds to the production area in two field system. 
The second line of the output is a float value that corresponds to the production area in three field system. 

Note: Format the output with 2 decimal points. 
Sample Input: 
Sample Output: 